Basega, Congo, Africa
Project Goals: Helping the children by building a medical clinic, holding medical, dental and eye-care clinics, distributing clothing, distributing school supplies, and providing programs for the children.
Group Size::
20 individuals
Age Group: 16 and up
Duration: Two weeks
Next Trip: No further projects until better political stability.
Status: Closed to applications
Cost: (US$ funds to raise or pay per person):
(Includes volunteer's food, lodging,
airfare, visa, and a portion of the building materials, and
medical supplies needed!)
Step 1: Download the Volunteer Application here,
fill out, and send us
with your deposit.
Step 2: Download the Trip Preparation Guide
and start
Step 3: Refer people to the website to donate!
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and also join
our cause and recruit your friends.
We encourage you to continue to share our vision by either making a donation of financial support, taking time out to personally participate, or if you are a business - consider pledging matching funds toward a project. For more information feel free to email us at
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If you love people, enjoy travel and have a spirit of service... get involved by supporting one of our projects or joining one of our short-term volunteer groups:
Central America
RONA Foundation
The Democratic Repulic of Congo, formerly Zaire, is in central Africa just straddling the equator. Our projects are helping the people of the far out villages around Kananga in the South.
People in the Congo have been dying at a rate
of 45,000
per month, and the death toll is largely due to widespread disease
and famine; reports indicate that almost half of the individuals who
have died are children under the age of 5.
Daytime temperatures range from 75-90꼯font>